American Air Filter dust collectors have a well deserved reputation for reliability and quality, which is exactly why ACR Incorporated carries them. They utilize the cartridge style of filter that fits a very large surface area of filtering material into a relatively small package and leads to compact units that are easily placed in facilities. They also offer a huge array of cartridge style dust collector filters, so they probably have the perfect filter for your application. The cartridge system also allows use to easily switch the filter which can be invaluable in a multi-function facility. There is even a smoke filter available.
Cartridge Style Dust Collector Filters
There are so many advantages to the cartridge design on dust collector filters and uniwash wet collectors. In addition to those already discussed, they tend to be very easy to handle. When it is time to change a cartridge, it is self contained and much easier to manipulate than many other styles of filter. With all of the advantages offered by cartridges, you really should give this type of system serious consideration if it is suitable for your application. Of course, we here at ACR Incorporated are ready to help you decide the best filtration strategies for your facility. We design and install many systems every year and would be happy to design and install yours. In addition to American Air Filter dust collectors we also offer Scientific units as well as mist and wet dust collectors.
Smoke Filter Cartridges and More
As your single source air filtration solution, we have everything you need from duct work and collectors to replacement filters. If you need a smoke filter, we will be able to help you. If every production run is going to use different materials, we will help you design a versatile system that allows for the simplest filter changes. No matter what your air filtration needs are, ACR Incorporated is your answer.